TENT house for contemporary circus

Born in Paris (1978), I studied Dance at the Rosella Hightower Ballet School in Cannes. In 2000, I joined the company Jeune Ballet International where I danced classical and contemporary works by Balanchine, Brumachon and Preljocaj, among others. Later on, I would go back to Paris to study again and get my degree as a ballet teacher.

After several years dancing in various productions, I met my husband, Menno Van Dyke, who is a circus performer and who introduced me to the world of circus. We decided to work together on a project combining dance and juggling. After over a year of research, we created our “Juggling Tango” act. Since 2007, this has been very successful in circus productions, variety theatre, festivals and many other venues around the world, and has won multiple awards (for example in cities like Moscow, Paris and in China). We have been invited as guest performers at Cirque de Demain and in 2018, and during a performance at Theater CarrĂ© we received the Oscar CarrĂ© Trofee: the achievement award for the circus arts in the Netherlands.

As a dancer and choreographer, I have always had an interest in music, lighting design, stage design and directing. I was able to coach several young artists with their own projects. In 2019, I contacted TENT. I explained my ideas for a contemporary circus performance and they gave me the opportunity to try some of these out. During a research week in January 2020 at TENT, I worked with four acrobats, experimenting with new materials, taking the emotional impact of the performance as the main focus. Even if we don’t have the same vocabulary as a dancer or an acrobat, the fact that I have been performing in circus for so many years created a very natural connection and I was really happy with the work we accomplished.

Emilie is Maker for a year and makes her directorial debut in 2022 with the performance Be Kind. For which she is researching how to specifically design a circus theatre piece for babies of 6 to 18 months of age.

a week • a year

Be Kind